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Kingdom Konoha
Kingdom Konoha

Number of posts : 2
Age : 29
Location : in Aussieland waiting for something to happen
Registration date : 2008-01-22

Twilight~ Empty
PostSubject: Twilight~   Twilight~ EmptyThu Feb 28, 2008 9:23 am

one of the best books evar.
who agrees with me >w>
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Number of posts : 96
Age : 30
Location : New Pork City
Registration date : 2008-01-20

Twilight~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight~   Twilight~ EmptyThu Feb 28, 2008 10:02 am

Kingdom Konoha wrote:
one of the best books evar.
who agrees with me >w>

I actually consider it spam, be more specific on your post :D (I dunno, add your thoughts and a little review about it, for starters >_>).

Anyways, I heard a lot of recomendations to read it, but for the moment I donīt know nothing about it >_>;, But I will look forward to it.
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Pure Beats~
Pure Beats~

Number of posts : 9
Location : ...where am I? o.o
Registration date : 2008-01-21

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Twilight~ Left_bar_bleue0/9Twilight~ Empty_bar_bleue  (0/9)

Twilight~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight~   Twilight~ EmptySat Mar 08, 2008 3:41 am

I loved this book when I started to read it. I finshed all three books in about 5 days. >_> That's how absorbed I was in it.

But, now, almost EVERYONE in my school is reading and are obsessed over it, and now that I read it over again, it's just not as great as it was, since so many other people are absorbed in it.

I mean, if you're into romance (which I'm not), adventure and cryptids (vampires, werewolfs, etc.) then you'd really enjoy this book. I did at first, but I'm into to it as much as before.

But I do love Stephanie Meyer's writing style, though.
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Twilight~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight~   Twilight~ Empty

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